On semaphore this is how it generate a proof
await generateProof(identity, group, message, group.root, merkleTreeDepth)
On semaphore this is how it validate a proof
const transaction = semaphoreContract.validateProof(groupId, proof); await expect(transaction) .to.emit(semaphoreContract, "ProofValidated") .withArgs( groupId, proof.merkleTreeDepth, proof.merkleTreeRoot, proof.nullifier, proof.message, proof.merkleTreeRoot, proof.points );
- ERC-4337: introduction, eip
- ERC-7579: introduction, eip
have foundry ffi communicate with @semaphore/hardhat task to generateProof that
- identiy: the private key
- groupId
- message: The tx: (contract function & param, smart acct, smart acct nonce)
- group.root
- merkleTreeDepth
Now when reciving a validateUserOp, containing (cmt, group, tx, nonce, proof)
- validate the proof. If the proof is invalid, reject
- store the hash of (tx + nonce) in the mapping: acct address -> txhash -> 1
- function interface:
function validateUserOp( PackedUserOperation calldata userOp, bytes32 userOpHash ) external view override returns (ValidationData);
add to signature to a tx:
- function interface:
- function interface:
execute the tx:
- function interface: TODO
add a signature to a tx and execute:
- function interface: TODO
Need to implement
contract function. Check if there is any open source project that have implemented that. -
How to handle msg.value in validateUserOp when it is a token transfer?