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almao invisiblepancake
I have often wondered what intoxicating substances we were using when we chose to come here...

KDH Norway

Germano Castanho germanocastanho
Acadêmico de Direito e Filosofia, explorando a tecnologia como ferramenta de transformação social e inovação acadêmica.

FACCAT/UNISINOS Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil

Frederico Moreira hypervanse
phd in physics with experience in @octave-app @microsoft

Hypervanse Brazil

Anu Onifade anuonifade
Software Developer

Github Calgary, Alberta

Miyka'El Zodoq(Anu) MurdoqZodoq

El Kuluwm Multi Universe

Wang Siyuan Wangmerlyn
Interested in LLMs, reasoning, multimodal etc.
Yacine yahfkg
Bou Algérie

Oli Ward Oli-Ward
Software Engineer

@Vocovo Bristol

Phinehas Beresford Cracko298
18yo Backend Developer. I have a ton of experience in Python, and some in x86 ASM, C++, Batchscript, and C. I love modding games and making Tools!

USA - Pawleys Island, SC

Berz bryceberwald777
Entry Level Software Engineer - Full Stack Web Development, Mobile Development & Software Development.

Self-Employed/Entrepreneur California, USA

destrix destrix12
doing random stuff when im not lazy


Diogo Carrola diogocarrola
Somewhere creating something to make the world better 🌱

Porto, Portugal

agm024 agm024
I am learning C, Python, JavaScript, SQL, JavaScript, @cs50 @STEM-Mavericks @STEM-Mavericks24

@STEM-Mavericks @CodeFuzeOfficial India