This is a slight re-design of DevResume - a great looking resume/CV template designed for developers by Xiaoying Riley.
This is based on Jerry Kiely's Hugo port, with some tweaks to suit my needs.
- Fully Responsive
- HTML5 + CSS3
- Built on Bootstrap 4
- 1000+ FontAwesome icons
- SCSS source files included
- Compatible with all modern browsers
- Improved layout for small devices
- Fonts, using Anonymous Pro for paragraphs and Comfortaa for titles
- Everything is bundled and managed by npm
Within the root of your Hugo project execute the following:
git clone themes/hugo-devresume-theme
Pull Bootstrap and fonts using npm:
npm install
Copy exampleSite/config.toml
to the root of your Hugo site:
cp exampleSite/config.toml ../../config.toml
Edit config.toml
and add your relevant information.
You are good to go! You can preview your website with:
hugo server
Or you can generate your site wih:
Copyright (C) 2020 Gabriele Lucci
Licensed under MIT except where noted.