A demo showing how to draw high quality bitmaps with the HYPE Framework for Processing.
How do you draw/paint graphics in Processing/HYPE Framework in a small viewport (800 x 600 @ 72 dpi) and save big (21" x 16" @ 300 dpi)?
Copy all vector-based (HDrawable) objects onto an HCanvas at draw-time, then after draw-time, copy the pixels to the viewport, scale up the canvas (vectors) and copy high quality pixels off-stage, then scale down the canvas to it's original size, and clear all of the vector objects from it. Repeat.
- Install Processing from Processing.org
- Create a HighQualityDrawingDemo Folder on your computer
- Save HighQualityDrawingDemo.pde and HYPE.pde (or get the latest from hypeframework.org) to that folder.
- Open HighQualityDrawingDemo.pde in Processing and hit the Run button.
If you have memory errors you will want to go into the processing settings and let your app use more memory, like 2048mb.
With memory allocation limits I have only been able to export 9000 x 7200 px @ 72 dpi png images, which ain't half bad.