A wrapper for petite-vue to register scopes, directives and provide a global shared reactive store across your petite-vue islands.
import PV from 'pv.es.js';
//create a petite-vue scope
const counter = (store) => {
return {
get count() {
return store.count
inc() {
//register your scope
PV.registerScope( "counter", counter );
//you can initialize the global store if you like
//but you don't have to, you can also add props as needed from scopes
PV.initializeStore( {
//mount all the scopes onto the page
const app = PV.mount();
<!-- globalStore is the name of the provided global store, pass it in to any scope for use -->
<div v-scope="counter(globalStore)">
<p>Local Count: {{localCount}}</p>
<p>Global Count: {{count}}</p>
<button @click="inc">increment</button>
<!-- You can also create a scope on the fly with just globalStore -->
<div v-scope="{ globalStore }">
<p>Count: {{globalStore.count}}</p>
{{ globalStore }}